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Psycho bombs and design

In 2012, an event forced me to stay at home 24 hours a day. At first, this was overwhelming, but soon I realized it was a unique opportunity to give my home a new perspective on design. Why not make the most of my time at home and create a space that was comfortable and pleasant for me?

But this was not just a matter of design. It was something much deeper. How I felt in my home affected my psychological and emotional well-being. Design is very subjective, and what is important to one person may not be important to another. For me, the quality of the space I lived in was essential to feeling comfortable and safe.

In addition to decoration, order and cleanliness became fundamental aspects of my home. I learned that keeping a clean and organized space had a positive effect on my mood and my ability to concentrate and work efficiently. I started seeing order and cleanliness as "psychological bombs" that helped me stay focused and motivated.

So, I began investing time and resources into decorating my home. I bought objects that made me feel good, inspired me, and gave me peace. For some, these objects might seem like a luxury or something trivial, but for me, they were necessary to create a space in which I felt good.

Sometimes, what some may consider a "basic need" can vary significantly from person to person, and it's important to recognize that what brings us peace and happiness in life is equally important for our mental health and wellbeing.

It's very valuable to consider how the objects and environment around us can have a significant impact on our psychology. Art and design are effective ways to create a space that reflects our personality and makes us feel comfortable and secure. In fact, it can be very beneficial for our mental health to surround ourselves with objects and decorations that bring us joy and well-being.

Furthermore, the fact that you feel positive when you wake up every morning and see the light you bought demonstrates that it is more than just a simple decorative object. It is an effective tool to help you start the day with a positive attitude and maintain your emotional well-being throughout the day.

So, in summary, it is completely understandable and valid to value the psychological power of the objects around you and how they can contribute to your happiness and mental health.

 "Hace tu propia obra de arte  y decorá tu ambiente" 
"Arte y diseño"

Gradually, I discovered the relationship between design and psychology. I realized that the environment in which I lived had a direct impact on my mood and my ability to be productive and creative. I started studying feng shui and discovered that many of the things I had been doing in my home coincided with the principles of this ancient Chinese philosophy.
primeros pasos básicos del feng shui para decorar.

We can continue decorating with plants and vases or pots.

Without a doubt my next psychological bomb is going to be to acquire a French mark like this.


And so, gradually, I transformed my home into a space that reflected my personality and my way of being. I learned that design and decoration are not just a matter of aesthetics, but also have a direct impact on our psychology and our ability to live fully. My home became my sanctuary, a place where I felt safe and protected, and that inspired me to be the best version of myself.

If you also want to transform your home into a space that reflects your personality and makes you feel good, I recommend starting with small things, like making your bed every morning or keeping your space clean and organized. You'll see that these small changes can have a significant impact on your psychological and emotional well-being. Start today and discover the power of design and psychology in your home!

Order, decoration and cleanliness are fundamental to your psychology and it is my way of achieving harmony in my life, that is why for me it constitutes another psychology bomb.

All the pages of this site relate everything to psychology, but especially the page named Neurodecoración note. I leave the image of this note.

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