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Wall coverings with plates

“The only way to do something great is to love what you do” - Steve Jobs

Jobs said that when someone loves what they do it shows, but when they don't love what they do it shows even more. On this page we love the design, that's why making this page doesn't cost me much, as I do it with pleasure and it doesn't imply an effort. When you like what you do, you can stay up late at night doing it and it doesn't bother you. This is what happens to me when I blog. 
In my articles Ideas for your balcony and Art and design, he mentioned the importance I give to the aesthetics of your environment and how it affects my psychology. I think that there is psychology in everything. Every environment and empty space in your house is an opportunity to put something artistic that is sublime. Particularly and this is personal, I always look for the maximum possible in everything, also in design. I hate half measures or mediocrity and it shows in the place where you live. 
Donald Trump has a motto that is "Think big" and you know that this is how he lives because of the places he inhabits. If you have to think equally, why not think big? Steve Jobs says "We are here to take a bite out of the universe, but what else can we be here for?" This is thinking very big. 

Revestimiento de paredes

Revestimiento de paredesRevestimiento de paredes

Here I left a link on Amazon for your purchase, on this page we only give ideas, but this time and since I really like wall tiles, I did it at home. I like PVC coatings much more than material ones. Unless it is for exteriors, I highly recommend the PVC ones, since they do not need a mason, materials, cement, much less mess- The other is a work, this can be done directly with a person with skill, but as I brought a person I can do it with skill, but like me, I brought a person who is dedicated to that and he did the job for me.

Coating Benefits

Wall coverings thermally and acoustically insulate our house and decorate it. We explain everything you need to know.

The interior walls of a house are the ones that host the stories of its inhabitants. Whatever the desired style, decorative plates and new materials will be a good bet to transform them.

The walls of the house become the conducting link of its history, framing and zoning the spaces. Whatever the look you want to give your home, choose materials that insulate from sound and cold, among others.

Wall coverings are presented in standard sheets and are perfect for concealing installations.
Wall coverings are the set of materials used to 'dress' the walls of the house. They are often products with exceptional features (soundproofing, thermal insulation, etc.) and easy to maintain and install, especially in the case of bolted plates.

Things to keep in mind when putting wall coverings:

Decorative PVC boards imitate any type of material in a very realistic way.
They allow custom designs, they can also be painted and allow the installations to be hidden, therefore they are very versatile.
It is better if you opt for high-performance surfaces, large format and thin thickness for complete wall coverings.
Plasterboard panels are an excellent solution for covering walls without the need to repair damage. In addition, they function as thermal and acoustic insulators.
Cork is a material widely used to achieve soundproofing in a room. It is also used decoratively.
The new ceramic materials are very resistant and can be personalized, creating very contemporary spaces.
In most cases, it will be necessary to remove the old siding before installing the new one; or repair the same so that the application is adequate.
It is advisable to take the opportunity to insulate the wall with a product with thermal and acoustic benefits to improve the quality and sustainability of the home. Remember that a poorly insulated house can lose between 20 and 25% of energy through the walls.
What is achieved with wall coverings?

Thermal insulation: Although it is a work that has a high cost, it is a solution that represents savings of up to 40% in air conditioning (hot and cold) with the consequent economic and, of course, environmental savings.

Acoustic protection: Avoid noise with efficient insulation. Remember that insulating materials are usually compact because they cause sound to bounce (this is the case with laminated plaster, wood and lead). With these products you should keep in mind that you can lose about 5cm of space wherever you install them.

Decorate and transform: Wall coverings are a good solution to decorate the walls of the house, whatever the material chosen, the important thing is that it adds style and personality to the home.

To achieve the best result I recommend combining the lights, the artistic items, the green of a plant, the fire or the water with the coverings on the walls that I show below, everything is an opportunity to do something that you like so much that it comes to you to affect psychologically. In this blog are all my ideas to make your home a special place. I recommend visiting my notes to understand how I relate everything to psychology.

The importance given to coverings is demonstrated in series such as suits

Design magazines and decorated houses in general use coverings on their walls, which, together with good lighting, generate what I call a "PSYCHOLOGICAL BOMB". The images that follow are some examples of psychological bombs:
 placas de revestimiento para paredes interiores

placas de revestimiento interior 

placas de revestimiento interiorplacas de revestimiento interior

placas de revestimiento EXTERIOR

Combination dichroic lights and coverings to decorate a wall:

Liners in the Netflx series Billions.

In general, if you like design and want to live in a beautiful environment, all the items you buy will look luxurious, but the important thing is that they are beautiful for you beyond the gaze of others. It is common, when you receive visitors, that you order and clean your house, however, I think that you have to always have everything tidy and clean for yourself and not for someone else. Order, cleanliness and aesthetics are very important for your psychology. If you do it just to show off you will never be able to keep everything clean and tidy and it will show that you are not like that, on the other hand, if you do it for yourself and you don't care about the look of the other, it will affect your life a lot. mood and your way of thinking.

If you don't put a lining, a mirror instead looks great and enlarges the environment. He left some example photos:


Combination floor coverings and headlights:

Other types of coatings



Coating in kitchen


Latest Technology in Coatings.

Renew your kitchen, bathroom Living in Minutes.... !!

Simple and Fast.
Without Work Dust and avoiding waste.
Without Glue.
Easy placement, avoiding Labor Expense.
Withstands Kitchen Temperature and Bathroom Humidity.

The same product used in the TV program, "Hermanos a la Obra...."

The Smart Tiles have enough RELIEF to place on top of Everything !!!. You can place them on top of Tiles, without noticing their joints.
they are very easy to Cut them out with Cuter-.
This product is REUSABLE, in the future it can be relocated to other areas, without BREAKING ANYTHING. and Place in Guards, Furniture, Stairs. Its great difference is its versatility, compared to a traditional product such as porcelain.

INSTALLATION IN MINUTES... !!!, Very easy to install, it has perfect fittings and joints.

Unique Smart Tiles plates with glue, built in PVC High resistance Ecological (Not VINYL), Clean Without formation of FUNGI.


• Extra large size: 25 x 25 cm,
• Easy installation, high strength industrial adhesive
• Easy cleaning and maintenance.
• Very easy cut.
• Resistant to humidity and Temperature
• Quick installation in minutes
• Specially designed for kitchen or bathroom backsplashes.
* Reusable.
* Emboss

Size of the plate: 25x25cm
Thickness: 1.4mm.
Joint between pieces: 1.2mm
Number of plates per M2: 16 units
Iron yields: 1.4m. linear for Guards

Self-installing, avoid Manpower!!!!

Also applicable in Guards in Bathrooms, Kitchen, Furniture, Stairs etc.

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