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The main environment of your house is simply the place where we spend the most time. For many people this environment is the room, for this reason we must make it a safe, comfortable, beautiful place that projects our personality. That it projects you is very important, since it will be the first thing you look at in the morning and the last thing you see at night, it greatly influences your psychology, it is key that you feel comfortable and like it.

Regardless of the time you use the room, this environment is one of the most important from the psychological aspect. In my book "the value of time" I mention the importance of having your bed made for your psychology. This shows its importance.

Today I bring you some ideas to inspire you and make your room a sanctuary that you are proud of and thus start the day with great enthusiasm and positive energy.

1 - Order and cleanliness -

First of all, I can give you my opinions on decoration, but order and cleanliness is the main thing and it's free. For this, the time you dedicate to it is essential. Buy what you buy, whatever you do, if the environment is messy or dirty it is in vain. What's more, you can not decorate anything, but if the room (this applies to other environments as well) is tidy and clean, the environment will shine. All your things, books and decorations, that are kept in order as well as everything else, is key. Order and neatness are fundamental to your psychology.

2 -Mirrors -

If you have a large mirror, place it on one of the edges of the room. The idea is that this gives your bedroom greater visual amplitude. Here I leave images to inspire you.

3 - Shelves -

The shelves on the sides of your mirror will enhance your environment and allow you to organize your things with style. Again, you have the opportunity to decorate your shelves or furniture that you have in the room with artistic objects. You can take advantage and put decorations that serve to keep your belongings in order and at the same time make them part of the decoration. If you have colored shelves on the wall, paint them the same background color so they don't clash. In particular, I tell you that you paint them because I love minimalist environments, they give the impression of spaciousness and they are very delicate and fine.

To decorate your mantel, see my "art and design" article, for more inspiring ideas.

4 - Plants -

Decorate your mirror with flowers or indoor plants, so you give some life to your environment.

5 - Header -

The head of your bed gives personality to your room. I recommend tufted and very high headboards, like these.

6 - Pictures -

The pictures on your walls are another decorative element.

7 - Wall covering -

A good option is to decorate with coverings instead of using pictures.

See my article "wall coverings" for more ideas.

8 - Curtains -

In the curtains for the windows, if you need to put black out, you should choose a blak out textile fabric, since these give more warmth, so that you feel like royalty.

See my "roller shades" article for more ideas.

9 - Bedspread -

The bedspread must have style, it is like the center of attention of the whole room.

10 - LED TV -

Once again I am going to include the concept of the TV as a decorative piece of furniture. Currently LED TVs are thin and look great in your room, accompanied by a TV rack it looks great.

See my "Modular TV Rack" article for more ideas.

11 - The importance of lights -

When you go to bed you look at the ceiling, which is why there has to be a light fixture to make you proud. After all, it will be the first thing you see in the morning and the last thing you see at night, it greatly influences your psychology. It will make you feel that you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

Como buen fanático de las luces no puede faltar una buena luz en tu dormitorio como decoración.

See my article "the importance of lights", for more ideas.

12 - Wood floors -

I never read anything about the bedroom floor and it is very important to me. Not so much as a decoration element, but as a psychological element. Aside from the lights, I'm a fan of hardwood/parquet floors because, regardless of how they look aesthetically, by keeping the temperature of the floor constant, it makes me quickly get out of bed when I wake up, knowing that the floor is hot. If you do not have wooden floors, you can have underfloor heating, but the point is that it is priceless to step on the floor and feel hot. If you don't have wooden floors or underfloor heating, you can put a rug to achieve the same effect.

13 - Giant mattresses -

Giant mattresses can influence you a lot psychologically, generating a lot of pride. This is the case of Donald Trump, since he uses it, I think it feeds his ego every day, but you need a very big room for this type of mattress.

14 - Ceilings -

Like the lights, it is very important to decorate the ceiling and here are some examples.

TV series luxurious houses decorate the roof. That the fact that you do not live in a house like this is an impediment to decorating the ceilings in the same way.

Donald Trump always uses his roofs to decorate.

The moldings that you put on the ceilings are very important

But the moldings you put on the walls are also important.

15 - Minimalist environments

Minimalist decorations enlarge your environment.

Bedding style

16 - Floating beds

The use of floating beds as decoration is fashionable.

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